Do you have questions about the service?
Here you will find the most frequently asked questions by our users
Pick-up locations train stations and airports
usual locations given for information only and subject to change
Is the price of the trip always fixed?
Yes and we are not going to ask you to pay more because we would have incorrectly estimated the travel time, it is not up to you to suffer the consequences. We offer a quality travel experience at the right price.
Do I have to pay the driver at the end of the trip?
No. Payment for the trip is made at the time of booking, through our application. TaxyMatch is responsible for paying the driver directly. You can enjoy the trip without having to worry about paying or having change, everything is already settled!
I booked a shared trip but I'm late, what's going on?
If you are not present at the address and at the scheduled time when your driver arrives, he will call you on the number entered in the app to notify you of his presence. If you don't answer or if you cannot get into his vehicle within 3 minutes, the driver may leave the place and continue to transport other passengers to their destinations so as not to delay them.
When I share the vehicle with other passengers, how long is the trip?
The duration of a shared trip is increased by 15 minutes on average compared to a trip made alone.
Driver waiting time
Trips outside stations and outside airports
A 5-minute wait is included in the price of the ride. The driver will be able to wait for the passenger up to 5 minutes after the defined pick-up time. If this duration is exceeded, the trip will no longer be carried out by the driver and it will be considered a "No Show", with no possibility of reimbursement from the passenger.
Station and airport transfers
A 30-minute wait is included in the price of the race. Thus the driver can wait for the passenger up to 30 minutes after the defined pick-up time, plus the delay of the train, coach or plane, if applicable. If this duration is exceeded, the trip will no longer be carried out by the driver and will be considered a "No Show", with no possibility of reimbursement for the passenger.
On what criteria are passengers grouped together in the same vehicle?
Our algorithm organizes the sharing of vehicles between passengers necessarily located in a logical geographical area, ie on the road to the final destination. Example if the final destination is an airport or a train station: the passenger located furthest from the final destination is picked up first and the passenger closest is picked up last. Example if the point of departure is an airport or a train station: passengers share the same vehicle because they will be dropped off in the same geographic area, avoiding detours.
How long do I wait for other passengers in the vehicle?
When booking a shared trip, the maximum waiting time for the driver is 5 minutes to pick up a passenger, so as not to delay other passengers. For departures from an airport or a train station, the first passenger to board the vehicle will wait a maximum of 15 minutes for other possible passengers before the driver starts. The driver will then drop passengers off at an address of their choice, but always in the same geographic area, in order to limit detours.
How many luggage and what is the size allowed?
Without supplement and whatever the destination, each passenger can take a checked baggage & a cabin baggage, according to models usually authorized by airlines.